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Solar Incentives for the state of

Revolution Solar - Get Quotes From The Best Solar Installers In The nation | Lowest Prices| Environmentally Friendly Solar Options

South Dakota

Interconnection Standards

A big perk for South Dakota solar power owners is the set interconnection standards the state offers. Interconnection standards dictate how renewable sources of energy can be connected to the electricity grid. Clear guidelines make it much easier to get set up.

Property Tax Exemptions

South Dakota also offers property tax exemptions for those who have installed solar systems. Take advantage of this incentive today, start comparing quotes from solar installers now!

Federal Tax Credit

In addition to the above benefits, South Dakota residents who make the switch to solar power can also utilize the solar Investment Tax Credit! This Federal credit allows owners – not leaser’s – of a system to deduct 26% of the cost of installing said system from their Federal taxes.

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